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Best Before, 2018

The analogue nature of film has an indexicality that digital doesn’t provide. It is a more traditional, physical process – one rooted in the beginning days of photography that enlists chemistry and light to create images that are tracings of reality on an emulsified strip of plastic.


Over time the chemical processes used in photographic film tend to degrade. Discolouration, where an image takes on unnatural magenta or cyan hues, can occur when one of three layers of colour dye deteriorates quicker than the others. A loss of sensitivity caused by enlarged grain and dispersed light-sensitive silver halide crystals, can cause images to fog and become out of focus.


Wabi-sabi is the Japanese world view and aesthetic of imperfection. The nature of wabi-sabi includes an understanding of three principles: “Nothing lasts; Nothing is finished; and Nothing is perfect.” Wabi-sabi understands that there is a beauty that comes with age, and there is a beauty that comes with decay. Imperfections are not mistakes, yet are embraced and welcomed.


In relating this world view in regard to analogue photography, there is an element of freedom that comes with accepting all the commonly labeled flaws that occur in the medium. The light leaks, the fogging, and the discolouration, all become art forms in their own right. With expired film, the aesthetic outcomes of the images are out of the photographer’s control, and are therefore left almost entirely up to chance. Quite often however, these unknowns have serendipitous quirks that can result in unique images.


‘Best Before’ is a direct allusion to the concept of expiry in food. If something is expired, it is no longer safe to consume, however, a best before date is only indicative that the food is no longer at it’s best. It may lose nutrients, freshness and taste, however is still mostly safe for consumption. In the same way, photographic film that is past it’s develop by date is still usable. It may have lost saturation, sensitivity and have other physical or chemical flaws, but it is still able to produce images. The emulsion, although possibly deteriorated, still serves the same purpose as when it was first produced – to create images through light.

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