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Estuary Art & Ecology Awards, 2020.



The presence of man has long been felt in the waters of the Tamaki Estuary. Considered one of the most polluted waterways in Aotearoa, it’s diverse and unique ecosystem is under threat from severe contamination.


Manawa have an innate ability to thrive in the harshest of conditions. They grow despite severe pollution, and are vital in coastal remediation efforts for their adaptability and healing properties. They absorb pollutants and filter toxins, which helps clean and improve water quality. Vast forests of Manawa guard the coastline of the Tamaki Estuary and are a symbol of hope for the restoration of the waterway.


Nature is constantly battling human environmental impact, and our excessive consumption of plastics contributes to one of the many destructive contaminants found in our waterways. Waste debris like this plastic toy figurine, tangled within the branches of Manawa, highlights the unnatural symbiotic relationship between natural and manmade pollutants. It draws attention to the need for our collective urgency to clean up our waterways so they may be enjoyed for many future generations to come.

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